Some basemap layers have limited zoom levels available. When zoomed outside the range of selected basemap, the basemap will be automatically switched to high-resolution statewide aerial imagery. When zoomed back within its range, the basemap will automatically switch back.
The output PDF contains georeferencing information, and can therefore be loaded in the Avenza Maps app on your mobile device to view and navigate offline as Geospatial PDF. Click here to learn how.
Saved bookmarks are available for the same type of web browser. For example, the bookmarks created from Chrome will not be available for Firefox.
While the drawing tool is activated, you will not be able to get information by clicking on the map.
Right-click on a previously-added markup to delete it.
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These maps and spatial data are intended for reference purposes only. Represented features may not be in accurate geographic locations and the accuracy or completeness of this product is not guaranteed.
The boundaries reflected on maps are a representation of regulatory areas and are not intended to be regarded as exact or proof of ownership. To respect property rights and avoid trespass, always consult
West Virginia Hunting and Fishing Regulations
in addition to official surveys and other recorded land instruments, and adhere to the boundary signs and other on-site indicators.
Please contact the WV DNR GIS Program at (304) 637-0245 or with questions or comments.
Lat/Long: (click on map to capture)
Avenza Maps is a valuable smartphone app that allows you to see your current location on a map without cellular data/service. To download a map of this area from the Avenza Maps store to use on your mobile device, click here.