Flood Risk Decision Tool
- This tool enables the public to make informed decisions about the degree of flood risk for a specific area or property.
- Data displayed on the WV Flood Tool are directly sourced from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layers. Remember: if in doubt, it's not out!
Best Available Flood and Reference Data
- Includes the best available flood mapping data from FEMA and other approved sources
- Incorporates the best available basemaps/background and reference layers (aerial photos, roads, 10-ft. contours, addresses, stream names,etc.) from commercial and local data sources
Tool Functions, Visualization, and Performance
- Includes three customized map views (Public, Expert, and Risk MAP) for general and advanced users for determining flood hazards and mitigating flood risks
- Provides multiple ways to zoom to geographic locations, including by street address, coordinates, place names, and navigation controls
- Permits users to view high-resolution aerial photography at a zoomed-in map scale of 1:282
- Displays the approximate elevation of the ground at any location with a vertical accuracy of +/- 10 feet
- Links specific areas of the map to local floodplain manager contacts or FEMA’s online map service center to view official flood maps
- Allows users to publish or exchange links of flood maps
- Displays and queries HAZUS 100-year flood event information to assist in mitigating flood risks
- Employs the most up-to-date ArcGIS Server technology to improve performance and visual appearance of map features