WV GIS Technical Center GIS Services

All the services listed are available on the WV GIS Technical Center Service Directory. If there is a data service you would like to publish, please contact Frank LaFone.


ArcMap: services.wvgis.wvu.edu/ArcGIS/services

Imagery - Leaf Off
Name Description Projection Date Information REST Services
Sheriff Association 2010-2012
12” (rural) and 4” (urban) pixel resolution, mostly leaf-off. 4” denoted by magenta boxes. Largest viewing scale 1:282 Web Mercator 2010-2012 Link Link
WV Aerial Photo Mixed Resolution
2-ft SAMB imagery updated with more recent and higher resolution (typically 6”) local imagery Web Mercator 2003-2011 Link Link
WV SAMB 2003 2ft WebMercator
2-ft pixel resolution Web Mercator 2003 Link Link
Imagery - Leaf On
Name Description Spatial Reference Date Information REST Services
WV NAIP 2011 1m
1-meter pixel resolution Web Mercator 2011 Link Link
WV NAIP 2011 1m cir
1-meter pixel resolution, color-infrared Web Mercator 2011 Link Link
WV NAIP 2009 1m
1-meter pixel resolution Web Mercator 2009 Link Link
WV NAIP 2007 1m
1-meter pixel resolution Web Mercator 2007 Link Link
Address Geocoding
Name Description Projection Date Information REST Services
Composite Geocoder
WV Street & Site Geocoder from Statewide Addressing & Mapping System (SAMS) UTM 17N 2013 Link Link
Site Geocoder
WV SAMS Site Locator Service UTM 17N 2013 Link Link
Street Geocoder
WV SAMS Street Locator Service UTM 17 2013 Link Link
Elevation Contours
Name Description Projection Date Information REST Services
WV 10ft Contours
Statewide 10-ft contours Web Mercator 2003 Link Link
Mon. Co. 2-ft
Monongalia County 2’ contours Web Mercator 2010 Link
Elevation Rasters
Name Description Projection Date Information REST Services
Statewide 3-meter DEM, UTM projection, image service UTM 17N 2003 Link Link
WV Elevation 3m SAMB 2003
Statewide 3-meter DEM, Web Mercator Projection Web Mercator 2003 Link Link
WV 3m Hillshade SAMB 2003 UTM
Statewide 3-meter DEM with grey hillshade, image service, UTM projection UTM 17N 2003 Link Link
WV 3m Hillshade SAMB 2003
Statewide 3-meter DEM with color hillshade, Web Mercator Web Mercator 2003 Link Link
Other Data Services
Name Description Projection Date Information REST Services
Address Labels
Address label for sites from Statewide Addressing & Mapping System Web Mercator 2013 Link Link
Flood Hazard
Flood risk layers for public and experts. Web Mercator 2013 Link Link
Hydrography (Streams and Water Bodies)
Major rivers and lakes, 1:24k NHD and labels, and 1:4800 local resolution streams Web Mercator 2010 StreamsNHD- 24kSAMB 1:4,800 Link
Political Boundaries
100k and 24k state/county boundaries and Census incorporated boundaries Web Mercator 2010 100k24kIncorporated Places Link
Public Lands
Federal, state, and local public lands Web Mercator Link
Major roads (interstates, US highways, state routes, county routes) from WV DOT and local/municipal roads from Census 2011 data. Web Mercator 2011 LinkWV DOT Link
WV Base Maps
Topographic map developed by WVGISTC draped onto hillshade DEM Web Mercator 2010 Link
Looking for GIS data?

Check out our GIS Data Clearinghouse at the WV GIS Technical Center for downloadable data and maps!

Copyright © 2014 West Virginia GIS Technical Center, All Rights Reserved. Please check our Terms of Use for rules and regulations regarding map usage.

Visit the West Virginia State Web Portal at www.wv.gov. Any questions or comments: Contact us. Updated January 2014.